Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mom really does want to win, but she wants your opinions, too...

From our mom's blog:

I have put a number of comments out on blogs and forums. I have been asking for opinions on the ScrapBox line of products, and I know my blogs have started to sound like commercials. I really like the products, and from what I have seen (and heard) most that own them like them, too.

Not all of the comments are positive. Some have said they thought the woods were too light-weight, but I noticed they do come in a variety of material choices. I am sure veneer choices are less expensive. Friends who own them and love them say they like the organizational factor.

Most, who, like me, are dreaming of the WorkBox, can't afford it during these economic times. We all have our jars and envelopes started to "save" for the box of our choice.

As most of you know, I entered a contest on the ScrapBox website to hopefully win their new EZ View ScrapDesk. Thanks to your comments, blog posts, and votes, I am still in the running! Please remember to vote and comment daily! Your support has made the difference for me!



Monday, May 25, 2009

Mommy wants to know what you think about Craft Storage!

She wrote:

Well, I have. I long for a solution that will allow me to place all of my precious scrapping and craft items in one place.

I think the ScrapBox line of products may be the solution for me, but I am seriously wanting to know what others who have this think about it!

Please tell me about your ScrapBox, WorkBox or MiniBox. What do you love about it? Is there something you would want to change?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

MiniBox from ScrapBox

I know my mommy is becoming a ScrapBox commercial~ LOL

Here is what she said today! Remember VOTE FOR HER~!

I really do love the product, and I was so impressed by the construction, use of space, and choices of materials. If you haven't seen it in person, you truly can't appreciate the quality.

The boxes are great! They are canvas, easy to clean, and in a great variety of sizes. If you can't fit the big ScrapBox in your house, maybe the MiniBox is for you.

While you are checking out their great products, please remember to get your vote in for my entry to win the ScrapDesk. I really appreciate it!

My entry is #267~

Friday, May 22, 2009

WorkBox from ScrapBox!

Today, Mommy wants to tell you about the WorkBox from ScrapBox. The WorkBox is the biggest scrap & craft solution that ScrapBox offers. There is room to hold everything, and still have a wonderful desk workspace! This is perfect for limited space or to organize and help centralize your work products.

Mom loves this so much, and she is trying to win the ScrapDesk from ScrapBox until she can afford this wonderful WorkBox!

Please vote for her entry #267, and click above on the picture to check out ScrapBox's products!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mommy still wants to win!

The incredible ScrapDesk!

So have you really checked out the new ScrapDesk from ScrapBox? I love the see thru top! You know exactly what is in the drawers, even if it is the VERY back of the drawer! You can see all of your items clearly and easily. The storage on the front and sides mean no wasted space!

Why am I so excited about this product? I am trying to win one!!

My entry is number 267, Please vote and vote often!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mommy's ScrapDesk


Mommy is still driving us nutso about this ScrapBox contest! She wants to win the ScrapDesk so bad!

She tells daddy that the minute our book sells she is buying a ScrapBox! For right now she just really wants to win the ScrapDesk!

Please go vote for our mommy! She wants this cool prize! Her entry is #267!

Thank you!

The WHOLE Pawsee thanks you!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Scrapbox Contest!

We know someone who LOVES scrapbooking so MUCH! She wants to win a ScrapDesk really, really bad. Why do we care? This lady is our mom! She loves to scrap, and one of her favorite subjects is us! The "Pawsee" is one of her main scrappin' subjects.

She took me to a scrapbook convention two years ago and she fell in love with the Scrapbox. She begged dad to buy it for her, but we couldn't afford it at the time. Mom has been trying to save, win, beg, borrow, etc. to get this cool furniture!

Here is a picture of mom scrapping on the dining room table:

She entered a contest with a layout she did of Remington to win the ScrapDesk, and she REALLY needs your votes! Her entry is number 267. Just look for the boxer dog!

Click here to vote.

Thanks~ We think she deserves to Win!



My name is Pugsley Pugglesworth, and in a couple of months a book will be coming out all about me. Well, not really just me, but me and my "Pawsee". You see, our dad use to be an industrial electrician, and then he got really sick with Stage 4 Multiple Sclerosis. He had to stop working, and stay home with us. We aren't complaining mind you, but he didn't like not working very much. Our mom and grandma finally convinced him to write a book about us. You see, he tells these crazy stories all the time to the nieces and nephews. We figured the rest of the world would love to hear about our antics, too!

The first book is "Wally McWinkleBean: The Noodle Adventure". The second book due out later the year is all about me, "The Pugsley Chronicles".

You are lucky to meet me now before I get too famous!